In previous FIFA games, the replays would show lifeless players making great plays. In FIFA 15 Coins , you can see some more detailed animations and facial reactions from the players. As usual, before FIFA 15 was released, the developers for PES talked some trash about the game, saying that FIFA is not nearly as realistic as PES. Their complaints about FIFA 15 usually boil down to the players not behaving like actual football players, and that you can use tactics that would never work in an actual football match.

This hasn’t seemed to deter many FIFA fans though, because the games’ sales have been increasing year after year. As far as new game modes go, FIFA 15 is largely more of the same. There have been some enhancements here and there, but the game is largely the same.

This mode looks like a nearly full blown simulation of a complete Soccer team. All of it is online as well, so you get the added benefit of competition with friends, or random players from around the world. Other game elements look to reshape the PES 2015 landscape. The live update feature will keep your team and its players all current in their stats and strategies. Coach Mode lets you manage your team however you like.



All 22 players on the pitch will be connected throughout the match via an emotional intelligence feature, EA Sports’ most advertised addition in FIFA 15. That means each player will possess a different attitude and feeling towards another depending on in-game events. For instance, an opponent repeatedly fouling or tackling too hard may cause a reaction from the player on the receiving end. That leaves me to wonder about all kinds of scenarios involving tackling Real Madrid defender Pepe.

“We’re very confident in the amount of innovation and depth we’re delivering for FIFA 15 on coininFIFA and Xbox 360 but there are some things we couldn’t do for FIFA 15 on PS3 and Xbox 360, either based on the limitations of these consoles, or our time and resources. Most notably, Pro Clubs will not be a mode in FIFA 15 on Xbox 360 and PS3.”

When defending a player with the ball, your player will use his body more, attempting to knock the other player off-center. Slide tackles are also improved so that the defender keeps the ball closer to himself after stealing it away from an opposing player. In an effort to increase the physicality of defenders even more, the developer has implemented shoulder bumps, shirt pulling, and other such moves.

Promising that this year you will really “feel the game” coininFIFA were teased with several marketing buzzwords. For example “player memories” and “emotional intelligence”, which will be reflected in the manner to which players react emotionally depending on the context of a match. We also got the typical slew of claims regarding a more realistic than ever match engine with player “athleticism” being the most touted improvement this year.